Articles in category: Conferences
Like clockwork, on May we head up to Verona to attend the phpDay conference; this time it was on May 12th and 13th.
We met a lot of new people and known fellow PHP developers, and like previous years, we wanted to write down a light summary; like the previous ones, this won’t be a full “review” of the conference, but an highlight of the talks that captured most of our attention, or what we found more valuable for our everyday work.
«Learn or die». These are the words with which Codemotion Milan 2016 started on the 25th of November. Most of our development team attended this tech conference like the previous year. Moreover was present at the event as a sponsor with his stand looking for new talent.
During the event we also officially announced the second #FacileHack hackathon, which is planned for march 2017.
This post would be a short recap of some talks in chronological order. The choice of the talks is based on the personal taste of the various members of the editorial staff of Engineering blog. Enjoy!
Every year the GrUSP, in cooperation with one of the italian PHP user groups, organizes the italian Symfony conference. This year the event was organized in the Capital on 28th October with the help of PHP User Group Roma, and a part of Facile Dev Team was there for the occasion. In Facile we believe attending to events like this is a good way to learn new things, share practical experiences and improve our network.
Almost like a nice tradition, we went to the PHP Day conference this year as well; this time too it was held in Verona, on May 13th and 14th.
We participated and attended numerous talks and, as last year, we wanted to write a light summary; this won’t be a full “review”, but our intent instead is to highlight what captured our interest most, or what we found more valuable for our everyday work.

The third edition of Droidcon IT was, as expected, a great conference, full of interesting talks and people coming from all over the world. We saw a lot of GDEs (Google Developer Expert) and also some Developer Advocates from Google, although it was not organized directly by the company. Back in March the Android team surprisingly released the brand new N Developer Preview earlier than expected, so this year we were already able to talk about the new features in Android N and analyze them. Furthermore, there was talk of Kotlin, RxJava and a lot of other useful and interesting topics.