Articles written by Salvatore Cordiano

Salvatore Cordiano Salvatore Cordiano avatar

13 minute read

Upon migrating to a new infrastructure we started experiencing cache issues after each deploy: as we refreshed pages that were updated by the new release, we didn’t see the right content for a very short period of time. Initially, we wrongly assumed that the cause of this issue was the PHP OPcache extension but, after our investigation, we understood that real path cache was the culprit.

Mario Maraone Mario Maraone avatar Salvatore Cordiano Salvatore Cordiano avatar

4 minute read

Every year the GrUSP, in cooperation with one of the italian PHP user groups, organizes the italian Symfony conference. This year the event was organized in the Capital on 28th October with the help of PHP User Group Roma, and a part of Facile Dev Team was there for the occasion. In Facile we believe attending to events like this is a good way to learn new things, share practical experiences and improve our network.

Salvatore Cordiano Salvatore Cordiano avatar

5 minute read

When we talk about data interchange in web applications, JSON is the de-facto standard, especially in developing RESTful web services. JSON won against its antagonist XML (SOAP) without a battle, but it didn’t prevent the development of alternatives like Google’s Protocol Buffers, Apache Avro or MessagePack. In being thorough, we should also mention gzip JSON compression (sometimes called “JSONC"), and BSON, a bin­ary-en­coded seri­al­iz­a­tion of JSON-like doc­u­ments, both…

Salvatore Cordiano Salvatore Cordiano avatar

5 minute read

If we think about computing in the Cloud Era, our mind is immediately drawn towards virtual machines and containers. Therefore, for example, when building a production environment with both approaches we think about the need of patching the operating system and/or upgrading the container. At the end of 2014 Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced a new service called “Lambda", that allows us to focus on business logic and not on infrastructure.