Articles in category: Swift

Elviro Rocca Elviro Rocca avatar

12 minute read

Last time we looked at the Signal class, that is, a simple, reusable way of encapsulating the observer pattern. There are many use cases for a signal, and I’m going to show one possible application, spawned from a real-world problem. View controllers’ composition and decoupling is hard: we often need an input from a view controller, that has to send its input back to its creator, while handling the back navigation somehow. We often find ourselves in a situation in which several…

Code reuse: a primer

Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano

Elviro Rocca Elviro Rocca avatar

9 minute read

Last time we looked at a possible implementation for the Optional type in Objective-C; while the main point was to port to Objective-C a tool that’s frequently used in Swift, making use of the Optional class can be considered an application of a much more general concept: code reuse. In fact, Optional is not tied to a particular domain, and can be reused over and over again in multiple projects: that’s what actually happens in Swift. But, to think about it, that’s what happens…

Codice riusabile: un primer

This article is also available in english

Elviro Rocca Elviro Rocca avatar

9 minute read

L’ultima volta abbiamo visto una possibile implementazione del tipo Optional in Objective-C; l’obiettivo primario dell’articolo era quello di importare in Objective-C uno strumento frequentemente utilizzato in Swift, ma usare una classe come Optional può essere considerato un’applicazione di un concetto molto più generale: il riutilizzo del codice. In effetti, Optional non è legato a un particolare dominio, e può essere riutilizzato più e più volte in molti progetti:…