Articles in category: PHP

Carlo Cappai Carlo Cappai avatar

5 minute read


When we write a client to integrate an API in our systems it is important to test it to be sure we can handle every possible response. Guzzle client provides a very simple way to mock external APIs responses: Guzzle Mock Handler. This tool provides a mock handler that can be used to fulfill HTTP requests with a response or exception by shifting return values off of a queue.

Andrea Maccis Andrea Maccis avatar

11 minute read


Imagine you need to use a fixed numeric value in your code, let’s say 20000. It is what we call a literal constant, that is a value that will always remain the exact same in your code.
Now imagine you need to use that value more than once. Sooner or later you will read your code and you will not remember what 20000 was, it will happen for sure. But what if you assign the value to an immutable variable with a meaningful name? Let’s say something like this:

Roberto Diana Roberto Diana avatar

10 minute read

Google from zero to infinite

Sometimes I do a full immersion on topics of my interest, generally related to programming, topics on testing, good design, etc. I apply a technique invented by me named: “Google from zero to infinite”.

Basically I use one or more keywords in Google, then I literally follow all the links of all the pages. It is a very long and laborious activity. However, most of the time I find very interesting documents, otherwise difficult to reach. This time I decided to use the final keyword of PHP.

Dario Cancelliere Dario Cancelliere avatar

12 minute read

When we use RabbitMQ and our project is in PHP, we have to run a Consumer and we could encounter some common and still unresolved problems.

In order to implement RabbitMQ in the project, there are different ready to use packages, especially when we use a framework like Symfony or Laravel. Usually these packages provide the full integration needed for the AMQP protocol, so we can easily configure it and create a Producer and a Consumer; then, we have to create a little script that will supervise the PHP process in order to make sure that all our consumers are running.

Salvatore Cordiano Salvatore Cordiano avatar

13 minute read


Upon migrating to a new infrastructure we started experiencing cache issues after each deploy: as we refreshed pages that were updated by the new release, we didn’t see the right content for a very short period of time. Initially, we wrongly assumed that the cause of this issue was the PHP OPcache extension but, after our investigation, we understood that real path cache was the culprit.


When I started my software developer career, I was very surprised to read the following sentence, attributed to Phil Karlton: «There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things». In the beginning I was incredulous, because I didn’t really get the sense of these words. Not much later, I started to understand.