#FacileHack 2017, 10 days later
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Ten days ago #FacileHack 2017 came to its conclusion; this was the second edition of the hackathon organized by Facile.it. Holding an event of this kind has allowed us to see, work and discuss with many very diverse teams, made up of programmers, designers and marketers.
The hackathon’s theme for this year was connectivity: our site offers the comparation between internet access services, and we have decided to put this at the center of the competition. The teams have then faced each other on this theme, searching new ways to improve Facile.it’s business and the customers’ user experience.
Continuous improvement
The experience we gained from the first edition allowed us to easily organize this event, and as we like to apply ourselves in our everyday work, we wanted to aim for a continuous and progressive improvement in organizing this hackathon, and this proved to be a winning approach.
One of the improving point of this edition was the [external jury] (http://hackathon.facile.it/2017.html#giuria) composed by very experienced professionals of different expertise. Despite the very few minutes available (only seven) to the various teams to present their ideas, the jurors were very good at analyzing the various proposals and to offer the right questions to dissect the critical points of each proposed approach.
The winning team
The team that won the competition was Orange Smile, proposing Facilino, a virtual assistant: the team’s merit was especially in the overall completeness of the proposed solution, which started from identifying the problems and proposing a solution up to its application and its launch to the market.

The winners were awarded a € 500 voucher, for each team member, to be spent on high-level professional training courses made available by our partners [LOG.ED] (https: //www.enter .com / en / ecosystem / education /), [Ninja Academy] (http://www.ninjacademy.it/) and [Fluentify] (https://www.fluentify.com/). The focus on training seemed like an important decision for us and in line with the spirit of our engineering division.
See you to the next edition!

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