Venerdì Protetto | May 2024 edition

What happened in the last issue of Venerdì Protetto? engineers engineers avatar

2 minute read

This page contains the abstracts of the talks held during the latest Venerdì Protetto on May 17, 2024.

Here they are:

Hack the Box Workshop

After the successful experience of having a code challenge in March 2024, we decided to go further in delivering experiences to our colleagues. To try something meaningful with less organizational effort, we agreed to use a platform called Hack the Box, and specifically a WAPT (Web App Penetration Testing) whitebox challenge, as a good introduction to SSTI, Server Side Template Injection.

How we prepared it? How was it? More information in this blog post.

Please wear your favorite hacker hoodie before trying the workshop Please wear your favorite hacker hoodie before trying the workshop

How to develop cognitive flexibility?

In this webinar, we discovered …

  • … some of the most common mistakes you can make when evaluating situations
  • … that NOT to follow your intuition can be highly convenient
  • … techniques that will help you develop cognitive flexibility, improving the efficacy by which you deal with complex situations
  • … books and movies that may be useful in your training journey.

Arduino Mancini, the business coach who held the webinar, well known to many at Facile, recommended having 6 toothpicks at hand during the webinar.😲

Flessibilità cognitiva

The April edition of Venerdì Protetto focused on company-related topics. Therefore, we didn’t publish a blog post.

The overview of Venerdì Protetto is available here.

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