Articles in category: English

No Country For If Else

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Elviro Rocca Elviro Rocca avatar

21 minute read

There is an unwanted guest with us as we write code and build software projects: it’s the code that’s already written, and we must take into account its complexity as the code base increases in size. High complexity of the existing code can make the following activities particularly difficult:

  • understanding the meaning of old code, written by others or ourselves;
  • tracing the causes of bugs, i.e. errors, in code;
  • making changes to a certain procedure;
  • adding features to existing structures;

Even if we approach the development of new software with agile methodologies, we always have to deal with the existing code, and to do that we must at least be able to understand it without overexertion. So when I talk about complexity I am referring in particular to the difficulty with which a programmer can reason about the existing code: the preface of the well-known academic textbook Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs contains the following sentence: