Articles in category: English

Lorenzo Fontana Lorenzo Fontana avatar

8 minute read

During the past year I experimented a lot with file systems in Userspace using FUSE, I wrote this post to share my thoughts about what I did and to give you a starting point to do something by yourself.


A filesystem is that piece of software that is in charge of storing, organizing and generally taking care of data represented as files and directories. If you are using a device to read this post you are probably using at least one filesystem at the moment.

Code reuse: a primer

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Elviro Rocca Elviro Rocca avatar

9 minute read

Last time we looked at a possible implementation for the Optional type in Objective-C; while the main point was to port to Objective-C a tool that’s frequently used in Swift, making use of the Optional class can be considered an application of a much more general concept: code reuse. In fact, Optional is not tied to a particular domain, and can be reused over and over again in multiple projects: that’s what actually happens in Swift. But, to think about it, that’s what happens for a wide range of classes in Objective-C, or types in Swift: for example, NSArray and Array are both constructs that expose a certain interface, have a certain implementation, and are reused multiple times within methods and functions. And again, NSArray and Array are not tied to a particular domain, and have two important properties:

Optionals in Objective-C

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Elviro Rocca Elviro Rocca avatar

14 minute read

Objective-C is not going anywhere. While Swift is most certainly the new hotness for iOS and OS X programming, there are some concrete reasons to stick with Objective-C for a while:

  • Objective-C based projects still need maintenance and new features to be added, and mixing Swift and Objective-C, while possible, can be tricky and possibly unconvenient, due to the dynamic nature of the latter;
  • Swift is changing rapidly, has still some bugs and performance problems, and still lacks some features that professionals need, while Objective-C is mature and has a strong community;
  • some may prefer a more dynamic language, and Objective-C support from Apple is still strong;

Personally, while I naturally lean towards a more static, type-first approach to programming, from time to time I like to work in a more dynamic environment, so both for preference and for business needs, I still didn’t put Objective-C completely away. But just after a few weeks of Swift I found myself missing one of the most powerful features of the language: Optionals.

Lorenzo Fontana Lorenzo Fontana avatar

7 minute read

It works on my machine

This post is addressed to people who already have basic knowledge about docker, about how it works and are looking for a way to move to the next step with the goal of using it in development and production day by day.

Having a development/testing environment as close as possible to the production one helps a lot in assuring that things will behave correctly when delivered.

Alessandro Galli Alessandro Galli avatar

6 minute read

Data protection is one of the major and recurrent problems in recent years: whether it is private information of users, or the company for which we work, the problem is always the same.

How to protect such data from any attackers who would - and could (!!) - be able to gain possession?

Before arriving at the solution of this problem, however, is right to split the series in at least two branches. In the wwww data can be “obtained” in two different moments: 1) as they pass over the network in packets, or 2) after their storing (eg. database or file) in one or more servers.