Code reuse: a primer

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Elviro Rocca Elviro Rocca avatar

9 minute read

Last time we looked at a possible implementation for the Optional type in Objective-C; while the main point was to port to Objective-C a tool that’s frequently used in Swift, making use of the Optional class can be considered an application of a much more general concept: code reuse. In fact, Optional is not tied to a particular domain, and can be reused over and over again in multiple projects: that’s what actually happens in Swift. But, to think about it, that’s what happens for a wide range of classes in Objective-C, or types in Swift: for example, NSArray and Array are both constructs that expose a certain interface, have a certain implementation, and are reused multiple times within methods and functions. And again, NSArray and Array are not tied to a particular domain, and have two important properties:

  • they are generic, that is, they are not dependent on a particular subtype: an array of numbers and an array of strings will work in the exact same way when it comes to behavior that’s strictly associated to arrays, like counting elements, removing or adding an element, mapping, filtering, reducing et cetera;
  • they are composable, that is, they can be stacked on top of each other, and assembled with other more specific things, while keeping the same predictable behavior: an array of customers, each with their own array of purchased products, can be mapped to an array of arrays of products, that can be flattened into an array of products, that can be reduced into a number representing the total cost;

Array, like Optional, is a nice example of perfectly reusable code, but there are many more constructs that satisfy the aforementioned rules: genericity and composability. What doesn’t satisfy the rules is domain-specific objects, even when it seems like an object is sufficiently generic to be reused. A Customer class, for example, could seem a good candidate, but trying to reuse the same class in two different projects will result in bad news and headaches: either we’ll need to specialize the class for each project, making the two diverge, or we’ll need to add levels of indirection, because we’re forcing an object into a project it doesn’t belong to.

There’s another thing to consider: if we really want to reuse code, we’ll also need to make design choices that allow that code to be reused. I could actually forget about the Array and Optional types, and create classes that never expose their underlying components; for example, I could create a class that represents a collection of optional objects, without ever exposing in the interface the fact that I’m using Array and Optional for its implementation: it would result in some serious contortion of methods’ signature, but it’s possible. Also, is it a good idea? I don’t think so. Creating a specific, incomposable class for every possible need will result in thousands of lines of what’s essentially boilerplate code, complicated interfaces, and ridiculously long class names. If we aspire to code reuse, other than the two rules we just defined, we also need to pay attention to the way we architect our apps, and the main design principle to follow here is one of composition, that can be summed up with the following:

Domain-specific constructs and behaviors should be realized by composing atomic and generic building blocks.

This basically means that, instead of creating every time a specific implementation for our needs, we should try and satisfy that need by composing reusable, atomic objects. This looks complex, and at this point we should ask ourselves if code reuse is really something we want to pursue. My answer is a definitive yes, for the following reasons:

  • with reusable components we can encapsulate a particular behavior, and avoid rewriting essentially the same thing over and over again;
  • we’ll have a guideline for designing the architecture of our app, because we wont’t need to constantly define new interfaces for the same behaviors;
  • a reusable component is very easy to test, because it’s small and atomic, so by using it we will be more confident about the correctness of our code;

That, again, is what happens when we use types like Array and Optional. As I said, there are many more of these building blocks, and actually the definition of their interfaces is a problem in itself, and has no obvious solution, but I think it’s a very interesting problem to tackle. By following the generic and composable rules we already have a guideline for designing them, but if we want to create our owns we should probably add one more rule:

  • a reusable object has to be simple, that is, it should have a unique, linear, easily describable responsibility;

Optional follows this rule: it’s a generic container that represents an object that could be there, or not. Array follows this rule: it represents and ordered collection of objects, each one them accessible in constant time. Let’s try to apply the rule and create a new reusable object.

Consider this real, kind of frequent use case: different objects must be notified when a certain object changes state or does something. A way to solve the problem is represented by the observer pattern, that is, make our objects implement an interface that exposes a publish-subscribe behavior. The point is, implementing an interface is not reusable: each time we want to use this pattern we are going to rewrite very similar code; instead, we want to encapsulate the behavior in a generic object, and reuse that object instead. What follows is a possible implementation, the one that I use in production, but there are many more: actually, functional reactive programming has spawned from this very problem, that is, finding a generic, composable way of representing and manipulating observable streams, but in this case we’re going to create a much simpler Signal object.

The Signal class we want to implement is going to represent an update for a certain object: that update can be everything, like a new value for a property, or an action that was taken. We’ll use the Swift language, which is also going to give us a lot of type-safety for free. Here’s a summary of what we want for the Signal class:

  • it has to a have a parametric subtype, that is, the type of the value that will be signaled in each update;
  • it has to have an observe method, that takes a closure representing an action that has to be taken every time an update is given;
  • it has to have a send method, which takes a new value of the underlying subtype;
  • it has to have some simple methods for composition, that follow the usual naming conventions, like map, for generating a new Signal from an existing one by transforming the observed value, and forwardTo to make another Signal trigger when a certain Signal is producing a new value;

Semantically, we can describe a Signal as a container for a value that’s going to be there at a certain point in time, and it’s going to update itself indefinitely.

What follows is the entire implementation of the Signal class:

public enum SignalContinuation
  case Continue
  case Stop

public class Signal<Subtype>
  private var observers: [(Subtype -> SignalContinuation)] = []

  public init() {}

  public func observe (observeFunction: Subtype -> SignalContinuation)

  public func send (value: Subtype)
    var continuations: [(Subtype -> SignalContinuation)] = []
    while observers.count > 0
      let observer = observers.removeFirst()
      let continuation = observer(value)
      switch continuation
      case .Continue:
      case .Stop: break
    observers = continuations

  public func forwardTo (otherSignal: Signal<Subtype>) -> Signal
    observe { action in
      return .Continue
    return self

  public func forwardTo <OtherSubtype> (
    otherSignal: Signal<OtherSubtype>,
    mappingFunction: Subtype -> OtherSubtype) -> Signal
    observe { action in
      return .Continue
    return self

  public func map <OtherSubtype> (transform: Subtype -> OtherSubtype) -> Signal<OtherSubtype>
    let mappedSignal = Signal<OtherSubtype>()
    forwardTo(mappedSignal, mappingFunction: transform)
    return mappedSignal

This is really simple, but still, really powerful. A problem that’s frequently found when implementing the observer pattern is how to manage unsubscriptions; it’s a responsibility of the observer object to stop observing something, and in this Signal implementation this is easily managed within the closure passed to the observe method: the closure must return a SignalContinuation value, that can be simply .Continue (that is, keep observing updates) or .Stop. Another problem is memory management: we need to make sure that when an observer’s memory is released, it will also stop observing, or a message will be sent to a dangling pointer, resulting in the app crashing. Swift’s weak memory semantics actually makes this really easy to do: we’ll put a guard clause at the beginning of the closure passed to the observe method; if the object has become nil, we’ll simply return .Stop. The following example shows a simple use of the Signal class, including the stop-observing-on-nil mechanism:

class Sender
  let signal = Signal<Int>()

  func sendNew(value: Int)

class Receiver<Type: CustomStringConvertible>
  func startObserving(signal: Signal<Type>)
    signal.observe { [weak self] value in
      guard let this = self else { return .Stop }
      return .Continue

  func printNewValue(value: Type)

let sender = Sender()
let receiver = Receiver<Int>()


/// this will print 3, 5, 10, 20 on console

In the example we can see an application of the concepts we talked about at the beginning of this article: instead of creating yet another interface for the same behavior, we are directly using and reusing the Signal object. A more complex example would be the addition of something like a resonator, that is, an object with a Signal that resonates with another, like in the following example:

class DoublingResonator
  let signal = Signal<Int>()

  func resonateWith(otherSignal: Signal<Int>)
    otherSignal.forwardTo(signal) { $0*2 }

let resonator = DoublingResonator()

let receiver = Receiver<Int>()


/// this will print 6, 10, 20, 40 on console

There are many other options for composition of signals, but as long as we don’t need them, it’s better to keep the class simple: then, gradually over time, we can start adding features to the class, and as long as they’re properly generic and tested, we will be able to use them in all of our projects.

To conclude, finding the right abstractions for reusability is of course a problem, and the solution is not an easy one: plenty of academic papers address the problem in several ways (classic Charles W. Krueger’s paper Software Reuse contains a good overview of the used techniques), and the reason why category theory has many applications in functional programming is because it offers an excellent set of abstractions for tackling several classes of problems. But still, I think the advantages of code reuse are many, and that achieving a compositional design through atomic, reusable components is a worthy goal to pursue.

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